Why did the Roger Buston sell Buston Hall? There was talk of unwise investment in coal mining. Also as my mother put it some members of the family "were far too fond of lifting their elbows".

The Thew family of nearby Shortridge Hall seem interesting as do the Bell family who preceded them at Shortridge. Carolyn Thew married Roger Buston in 1871 and Edward Thew married an Elizabeth Lambert.

A sister of my Grandfather Henry Buston married and went to live in South America.

My mother recalled a lamb carcass being sent from the Antipodes to my Grandparents during the Great War by an unknown Buston emigrant.

Harry Buston my mothers brother had a daughter Linda who last we heard lived near Maidenhead. She possessed letters written by the Duke of Northumberland to Thomas Buston. We would love to hear from her.

Any Bustons out there who would like to bring the Buston main and cadet lines shown in the Buston Lineage up to date, would be very welcome.

My contact email address is: